Ways to Give / Special Projects
Contact an Advancement Officer about making a gift to fund one of these special projects:
Building and Renovation
Shepherds College has experienced tremendous growth since its opening in 2008. We went from a school of five students to one of 80+ each year. That degree of growth necessitates change - updates, remodels, repurposing, expansions, and prayerfully someday, new campuses. We need funding to continue creating safe and efficient spaces for our students to live, learn, and grow.
Student Center
Our campus is limited in spaces that accommodate large gatherings of students. We have unused warehouse space in the Miter Center currently being used for storage. It would be the perfect place for a Student Center! Imagine a comfortable, creative, and colorful area to hold student chapels, group Bible studies, game nights, holiday parties, special meals, and other social gatherings. Please pray about helping us build and furnish a Student Center, and contact Shepherds College today!